
Concept art of a Polanian archer

Concept art of a Polanian archer. After it was drawn, we realized that we cannot use it. Anyone can guess why?

Composite bows, as in this image, had an enormous tension force of 40-80 kg. Therefore, a special arrow release type (AKA “Mongolian”) had to be used by the archers armed with it. And then the arrow would have been on the right side of the bow…

For more details about ancient Slavic archery refer to our posts in September 2019.


A year ago…

Exactly a year ago we started outlining the concept of the animated fantasy comic book series about customs and beliefs of the Slavic people in the early Middle Ages. Thanks to our team, we came a long way through a lot of obstacles on the road – and the new comics episode is going to be released soon!

Slavic hunter

The holy place of our composer

The holy place of our composer 🙂 As you read this, the original music soundtrack for the animated comics about customs and beliefs of the ancient Slavs is being created here…

Soon the new episode will appear here: https://slovene.online/animation/

Don’t want to miss it? Send us email to slava@slovene.online with a word “SLOVJANE” in the subject field and do not forget to tell us what COUNTRY you are from. We will include you in the distribution list and send you an exclusive gift – e-wallpaper “Leshy” for your PC, tablet and phone! Why? Because our subscribers will be notified FIRST about the premiere!